Opposing the Scale of Canyon Project



There has been much dialogue in reference to the pros and cons of the Longi-Dornin artist work live project at 20412 and 20432 Laguna Canyon Road. Although the people opposing the project have nothing against the artist work live concept, the majority of us stand together and agree that the structure is too large and does not fit the canyon nor the entrance of Laguna (let alone the potentially significant negative impact on the environment and traffic).

So what is the problem with reducing the size so that the project can go forth? Money. This project is about money; the artists are a secondary concern. This structure has to be specifically this size so that the investors can turn a profit. There are many artist work live sites in Laguna but none of this size. If you Google Laguna Beach School of Art on your computer you will see the school offers many options for student housing. Of course the school supports the project; they have much to gain by doing so. But is there enough of a housing crisis to justify the negative impact and the increase risk that may occur?

The owner and developer have been asked many times to reduce the size but they have been uncooperative and turned a cold shoulder to that request.

I am sure we can come up with a viable working solution that will be agreeable to, and in the best interest of everyone involved so we can work together to preserve our beautiful canyon, which should be our main concern.

With all due respect we oppose this project.

Dan and Veda Thomas, Laguna Beach

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