Opposition Surfaces to Aliso Creek Skate Park



Thank you for running Tom Osborne’s column about the possible restoration of the Aliso Creek estuary.  As one who grew up in Laguna Beach, I feel passionate about our glorious landscape.  It’s been a delight to see such improvements over the last few years as the restoration of the kelp forest and the establishment of the marine protected zone. Let’s keep up the good work with attention to so important a part of our local coastal ecology as the estuary! Believing this, I write in opposition to the projected building of a skate park at Aliso Creek.

In the 1950s my late mother Alberta Ingles was the secretary of an organization called the Coastal Area Protection League. Over the years I’ve witnessed the work of many other dedicated warriors on behalf of our beautiful Laguna. People need to mobilize again because we can’t permit the building of a skate park, which would sully what should be a protected environment.

Glenna Matthews, Laguna Beach

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