Permanent Supportive Housing Ill-Advised in Flood Plain



It saddens me that the Friendship Shelter and City Council have created a situation in opposition to complete support for both preservation of Laguna Canyon and those in great need.

Respectfully I must choose preservation of natural resources, wildlife habitats and open space knowing that forethought and wise decisions  must be based on historical evidence and the ever-deepening concerns about human impact. Emotionally charged decisions without alternatives lead to faulty and regrettable circumstances.

Once again, I urge Council and the Friendship Shelter to coordinate with Orange County cities to develop a master plan for homelessness including a county hospital and work to live programs.

An expected swell of homelessness will rise exponentially over the next decade and Laguna Beach alone cannot support the hundreds who will gravitate to an unpredictable location in the path of destruction for want of other options.

Are we placing the most vulnerable in harm’s way?

Leah Vasquez, Laguna Beach

The author survived local floods in 1969 and 2010.

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