Poet Laureate Welcomes the Next Chapter



This letter is in response to Ellen Kempler’s letter of April 19, 2018.

It’s been my honor to serve as Laguna Beach’s inaugural poet laureate. My platform included educating and inspiring residents and visitors to read, write and engage with the written word, and to demonstrate how poetry and the literary arts immeasurably enrich our lives.

I welcome feedback from those who attended my events, unfortunately, Ms. Kempler did not attend a single class, workshop, panel or reading, nor the literary festival referenced in her letter. As Poet Laureate, I made it my mission to bring as much value as possible to the community of Laguna Beach. As such, I’d like to point out factual inaccuracies in Ms. Kempler’s letter:

1.) There was no “sole juror.” The individual to whom Ms. Kempler refers, Grant Hier, was solicited by the Arts Commission as an unpaid advisor to review applications and to make a recommendation for the Commission’s consideration. Mr. Hier merely advised and recommended, before the selection committee convened, deliberated, voted on, and rendered their decision. Mr. Hier was asked to be an advisor based on his literary credentials.

2.) I’d not met Mr. Hier before my appointment to the poet laureate position. I was chosen solely on my merits. I invite the public to review my C.V. at: http://www.katebuckley.com/curriculum-vitae.html

3.) Apart from teaching classes and workshops, one of the highlights of my tenure was the creation of my Poet Laureate Showcase Series which brought acclaimed poets and writers to Laguna Beach. And, yes, one of them happened to be former advisor Hier, a talented poet just named Poet Laureate of Anaheim.

4.) The city mandated that the literary festival be held at the Laguna Beach Library. I do think if Ms. Kempler had attended, she’d have found the event to be delightful in every way and the venue more than sufficient.

5.) Ms. Kempler applied for the poet laureate position and was not chosen as a finalist. It was an appropriately rigorous process taking into account: personality, professionalism, educational experience, poetic talent, resume, performance experience and proposal.

I was honored to serve and am proud of creating a platform I hope endures long after my tenure ends, and proves of lasting benefit to Laguna Beach. I wish all future laureates every success. Laguna Beach deserves nothing less.


Kate Buckley, Laguna Beach



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