Questions the Use of Tax Dollars



I live on Canyon View and have “no alternate routes” home. Dunning Drive is below me and I fear that Rim Rock is above so I’m sort at ground 0 can’t really go up or down.

That said my first question is: Why exactly are we doing this project now in middle of summer? When exactly was the last time any serious flooding occurred on Temple Hills or Dunning Drive and what occurred? Were babies washed from their cribs, cars and homes washed away or destroyed? I missed it…

I’m not a Laguna Beach disaster buff. I was around for the Bluebird slide, the Laguna fire, Aliso sewer spills and some pretty good floods in the canyon and on Main Street.

I have no real memory of the great Dunning disaster. Perhaps you can enlighten me. Temple Hills is actually more of a ridge than a valley after all, not prone to huge accumulations of water I’d suppose?

My second question is the time frame, five months really? For one storm drain, no moving homes, trees, walls, mountains, pretty much one mile or so of hole and a pipe? Five months estimated, really?

To put this in perspective, Disneyland was completed in 12 months: a 160 acre theme park including demolition of homes, building a monorail and the Matterhorn… 12 months.

The Empire State Building was one year plus 45 days delay. Even the Hoover Dam was completed in under two years.

Laguna Beach needs five months to lay a few blocks of drain lines?  Feather bedding?

I as a property owner and taxpayer, maybe you should put it out for a few more bids. That’s if it’s really something we should be spending our tax money on. For my tax dollars, I’d be more inclined to focus on a better sewer disposal plant, cleaner beaches, water, underground utilities lines throughout the city, and our schools, education, open space, and more lanes on Laguna Canyon Road.

Norman Rest, Laguna Beach

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