Reset Speed Limits to Safer Levels



As a frequent visitor to your city, I’m finding each visit seems to coincide with some horrific accident. Last September, I believe, a motorcycle patrolman had been recently struck and killed on the Coast Highway. In April, I read the news of a young college student who was struck down in a crosswalk on Laguna Canyon Road. And now in June, just a few days before I got into town, a well-known, beloved citizen was killed as he biked his way home on South Coast Highway after work.

It seems to me, again as a visitor, that the speed limits on South Coast Highway and other parts of town are too high. I don’t think being a visitor in this town allows me enough insight to have answers, however, perhaps an enforced 30 mph is about right.

Isn’t being in Laguna Beach and enjoying all it has to offer, isn’t that about slowing down and being courteous for community members and visitors alike? For example, while staying in a residence at the top of vertical Park Avenue I noticed the speed limits along that street go from 30 – 35 m.p.h. to even 45 m.p.h. To me, that seems too fast, possibly contributing to accidents. But nearly every time I travel the lower speed limits there is always someone on my tail. I know we live in a very fast-paced time, but I think we could all sacrifice one to two minutes each day, really that is all it takes, to lower our speed for the benefit and well-being of everyone.

Mary Furman

Walnut Creek, Calif.

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