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Defying Utility Dependence

Editor, What if Laguna Beach became a power utility co-op selling electrical power back to So Cal Edison? A small cooperative headed by Solar City (Elon Musk)...

Interpreting Iseman

Editor, I'm not sure if the LB Independent is reading from Toni Iseman's work history or the police blotter, but the questions “Iseman Readies for...

Collision Victim Appeals For Pedestrian Safety

Of the 39,500 cars that pass by Anita Street on South Coast Highway everyday in Laguna Beach, it only took one to change Dani Tracy’s life.

A Vote for Mancuso

Editor, Had enough of campaign literature? This year I got a shopping bag full. I got more “Vote for Dicterow” flyers than Tootsie Rolls in...

Take Back the Streets

Editor, It is well within the means of Laguna Beach to improve the transport safety record for pedestrians, cyclists and all roadway users on Coast...

How to Hire City Consultants

Editor, The Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) hosted the Active Transportation Forum last Friday, Oct. 14. OC agencies share a common mission: to prepare...

Connecting Laguna Without Automobiles

Editor, Multi-use paths serve an alternative to the automobile roadway for connecting Laguna's outlying communities with downtown. South Laguna, Canyon Acres, Sun Valley, and North Laguna...

Paris Leads the Way

Editor, This is just too bold for Laguna Beach to comprehend. “This year, the area concerned includes all the arrondissements of the capital. In pedestrian zones,...

Cars are No Silver Bullet

Editor, See "No Silver Bullet for Congestion" by Rita Robinson (May 20 edition). Back in 1999 a steering committee drafted a vision plan for Laguna,...

Where Legal Rules and Complaints Collide

Editor, Last Wednesday night at 9 p.m. two Laguna Beach residents encountered a woman panhandler in downtown Laguna whereby a brief exchange of words ensued....

Maintenance in Paradise

Editor, To the chagrin of many we began construction of underground utilities on Laguna Canyon road this past Monday. As the LB Indy put it:  ...

‘New’ Arts Report Repeats Vision Plan

Editor, In 2001 Laguna residents spent $100,000, invited 1,000 participants and wrote the LB Vision Plan for 2030. The plan established clear goals and roughly...

Sampling from the Jethro Tull Songbook

Editor, In the Feb. 5 Indy article Shortcomings Surface in Parking Analysis  Pietig urged the consultants to specifically factor-in the lack of parking available for...

More Parking Does Not Solve Congestion

Editor, MIG Consulting is the city's chosen urban planner tasked with assisting the Downtown Specific Plan update. Their recommendations have been published in draft form...

Turning Forest Avenue into a Plaza is But Half the Equation

Editor, Responding to Les Miklosy’s letter to the editor dated Jan. 8 titled “A Better Use of Forest Avenue?” To me what Les is saying...