‘Something’s Gotta Give’



I took special notice of your front-page lead photograph of Aug. 22, framing four road bicycles (“roadies”) bound southwest on the Laguna Canyon Road. What needed to be photographed was one of the many weekender, outlaw, wolf-pack, roadie pelotons (groups) of 25, 50, 75 or 100 who come blasting through our town at full throttle. They stop for no one, no sign, no traffic light, or vehicle. They are (in a word) a “menace” to all of us in Laguna whether we are afoot or in our cars.

The truth is that this lovely little town cannot safely accommodate out-of-town bicycle traffic any longer. All our roads were originally laid out from existing wagon trails, and then improved upon to accommodate motor traffic. We simply have no room for bicycles anymore on most of our streets. Laguna is not Huntington Beach!

Down through the years, from El Toro Road to Broadway, the once humble wagon trail of Laguna Canyon Road has been asked to accommodate far more than its fair share. To wit: a private school at the major intersection of El Toro Road and Laguna Canyon Road, a major entrance to a green belt park, a homeless shelter, an alcohol recovery center, a dog park, a dog and cat shelter, a sea lion rescue center, an art college, a day-labor site, a lumber company, a club for minors and of course three major art festivals. All contribute to frequent and dangerous traffic snarls.  Enough is enough!

Laguna, as the southwest terminus loop for out-of-town roadie bikers, is an “insane” notion.  But then, so is the practice of lane splitting by motorcycles. And we allow for that, don’t we?

As much as some in our midst would like, this lovely little place we call home cannot be all things to all people. Our town is simply too small.  “Something’s gotta give…” (popular song from the ‘50s).

Ted Moore, Laguna Beach

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  1. The truth is that this lovely little town cannot safely accommodate out-of-town car traffic any longer. All our roads were originally laid out from existing wagon trails….

    I both drove and biked to laguna beach from “out-of-town” today, and i gotta say, both times I felt more in danger from CARs than from bicycles.

    Change PCH to 1 bus / bike each way, and at least for summer weekends, make car traffic use one lane each way, its congested anyway, and at least we’d have SAFE ALTERNATIVE then.


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