Consider the Source



I don’t know everything about Congressman Dana Rohrabacher but a couple of recent letters bad-mouthing him using childish insulting terminology pretty well convinces me that Rohrbacher must in fact be a fine gentleman and a competent congressman.

Note to Mary Dolphin.  Yes, most everyone, including Mitt Romney, would like to see a good affordable healthcare program for everyone.  However, Obamacare is nothing but a power and money grab full of hidden taxes and thousands of pages of freedom-killing regulations which will destroy health care for everyone except for the politicians and their cronies that have exempted themselves from having to have it.


Dave Connell,

Laguna Beach

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  1. I don’t know everything about Congressman Dana Rohrabacher but a couple of recent letters bad-mouthing him using childish insulting terminology pretty well convinces me that Rohrbacher must in fact be a fine gentleman and a competent congressman.

    In that case, OBAMA is the GREATEST President ever.

    When you think of all the JUNK( trying to be polite) Republican Leaders(?) and the TEA Party have said about OUR President, heck, he might be the greatest thing since the most famous PAGAN SYMBOL of all was invented in the first century AD “JESUS CHRIST”!

    The ONLY problem with my analogy is that Obama puts his country over his Party, while Rohrbacher and his fellow TRAITORS put Party over Country.

    Until Republicans learn to LOVE their country more than they HATE Obama, we are DOOMED as a nation!


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