Every Beach Town Should be a Bike Town



I’m excited about the idea of Laguna Beach become a bike-friendly town.

I’d like to see a system in place here similar to what we have in my hometown in Europe (another ridiculously picturesque beachside tourist town, very similar to Laguna) There, they have set up several bike kiosks at opposite ends of the town where both locals and visitors can rent a bicycle for an all-day or half-day ride, and then return the bike to any of the kiosks at the other end of town. It could be a great feature that draws visitors to still spend time and money in town, but that won’t exacerbate automobile congestion and pollution.

Until then, we’re always welcome to use our own wheels to do errands while getting some exercise. It’s now been made that much easier by the recent installation of “sharrows,” those bicycle icons sprayed on the streets demarcating lanes for safe biking throughout downtown Laguna.

This coming Sunday, I might just hop on my own bike and leisurely follow the route through town depicted on the new Laguna Beach Bike Route Map. One sees so much more of our lovely Laguna from the vantage point of two wheels rather than four.


Tatiana B. Aguiar, Laguna Beach

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