Trolleys Often Too Full



I would like to give a big shout-out to Thomas Toman, deputy director of public works,  for giving me and others the opportunity to share our concerns regarding potential changes to the trolley system, which were intended to benefit the residents of South Laguna.

The test demonstration of the proposed trolley operation/route was a wonderful illustration of South Laguna solidarity!  Everyone was very civil and it really felt like our concerns were being addressed, not just “blah, blah, blah”.  The whole South Laguna hillside trolley “issue” really was just a solution in search of a problem.  In other words, we all pretty much agreed that the status quo, trolley stop at Third Avenue and Coast Highway was serving us just fine. Residents don’t mind walking to that trolley stop.

But alas, as mentioned by Ann Christoph (“Feeling the Heat“), trolleys are often too full to be of any practical use for Laguna Beach residents.

Now, if we could just figure out a way to make the trolleys less available for Dana Point residents at the Ritz-Carlton stop, who jam-up the trolleys before even reaching South Laguna and more available for our own, tax-paying Laguna Beach residents, that is a problem in search of a solution!


Suzi Scallon, Laguna Beach

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  1. If the trolleys are filling up at Ritz Carlton why are they even going there? The Ritz is officially in Dana Point so why go all the way down there and make the route take longer? I doubt Laguna will suffer economically if they don’t capture those people on the trolleys and bring them into town.

  2. I view the trollies being full as wonderful news. Fewer cars and more people utilizing mass transit is a win for our village. The City should consider collaborating with the City of Dana Point to add more trolleys (public mass transit) if the demand is legitimate and warranted.

  3. South Laguna has been annexed to Laguna Beach long ago but only in a spreadsheet, Bill Rhin and Lisa Marks might second that. Thank you Thomas Toman for the trolley services, and to South Laguna residents for the dialog. Full trolleys are great news and the envy of the Municipal transit bus.


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