Your Vote Matters



by Ari Grayson, PhD
by Ari Grayson, PhD

Regardless of what one thinks of Citizen’s United and all the money poured into elections, it still comes down to one person, one vote. It all comes down to you.

Among the many candidates we must select is our U.S. Congress person. My radio show, “Perspectives,” on KX@OneLaguna has me given me the privilege of researching and interviewing several candidates seeking to represent California’s 48th U.S. Congressional District including Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher and his opponents, Republican Wendy Leece and Democrat Dr. Suzanne Savary. In preparing to interview each candidate I learned a lot about the people that want and need your vote.

Rohrabacher is very affable and charming, making it easy to see why people like him. Unfortunately, what he says was very disconcerting. I personally believe that he is wrong for Laguna.   Education is very important for Laguna citizens. We want our children to value knowledge and to understand the importance of science and critical thinking.

A member of the U.S. House Committee on Science and Technology, Mr. Rohrabacher denies global climate change calling it, “A liberal fabrication to get funding for research and part of a worldwide plan to control our lives.”  (Seriously, you can’t make-up this kind of nonsense, paranoia, and fear mongering). His thoughtful Republican opponent and former Costa Mesa Councilwoman, Wendy Leece, lost in the primary, but refused to endorse Mr. Rohrabacher because of his positions on education, labor, the economy, the environment, and women. Instead, Ms. Leece contacted Rohrabacher’s Democratic opponent Dr. Suzanne Savary, to endorse her campaign. Displaying this kind of conviction is a refreshing behavior rarely seen in politics.

Dr. Savary is a former professor at the Marshall School at USC. She understands the importance of nurturing businesses, educating our children in science and technology, being environmentally responsible, and ensuring women have pay-equality and comprehensive access to healthcare. A significant number of Republicans and Independents I’ve spoken with support Suzanne Savary because they know affable ignorance is no substitute for thoughtful consideration of evidence and research. Good governance demands our representatives acknowledge science even, and especially, when it contradicts prior beliefs. This is precisely why so many of my Republican friends and I support Suzanne Savary for congress.

One person, one vote. Make yours count and let Citizen’s United be damned.

Ari Grayson, Laguna Beach

The author is host of the radio show Perspective on KX@OneLaguna.

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