Kids Rescue Coyote Pup


By Melissa Pihl, Special to the Independent


As fourth-grade Top of the World students Jackson Pihl and Luke Bernard were skateboarding in their neighborhood they came upon a very small animal they thought might be dead.


They ran home, recruiting third-graders Macy Pihl and Lola Bernard as well as Jackson’s parents Melissa and John Pihl, to see if they could help.


The newborn animal’s umbilical cord was still attached. Melissa Pihl dialed 911 while John Pihl wrapped the newborn in his sweatshirt. Within minutes, Animal Services Officer Joy Falk arrived and identified the tiny creature as a coyote pup. She speculated it was accidentally dropped by its mother or was picked up by a hawk.


Macy Pihl was hoping it was a domestic puppy so she could keep it, but Falk said the pup would be turned over to a wildlife vet, who would nurse and care for the baby coyote. Because coyotes live in packs, this one will not be released into the wild, Falk said.

Luckily the rescue occurred before Sunday’s downpour.

Everyone will be following the progress of this brave little pup.

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