Body of Work


Text and photos by Marilynn Young


Student Reno Sammons, 13, demonstrates filling the lungs with breath on the "body" she created and named "LaFonda" with her teammate Tianna Hoang, 14, (not pictured). They also used light bulbs to show the nervous system and how it runs throughout the body.

Rubber dish gloves, old tennis balls, even the all-knowing Master Yoda found useful purpose as students at Thurston Middle School used their imaginations to gather recycled items from around the house to build a 3D construction of the human body.

Students wheeled their creations into science class in recent weeks to explain in detail the way each specific object on their “body” was chosen to symbolize different human organ systems and how they function.

“We used a music cd with heavy metal on it to show muscle” said Bailey Shoemaker, 13, and her team.

Students Michaela Bryant, (top), Kathleen Kimball and Ryan Blaser observe during their life science class on anatomy.

A small sink plunger was useful in showing how the body eliminates fluid with a packet of chamomile seeds placed underneath to represent the testes on the body built by the team of Carson Cushing, Anthony Digenova, Jordan Lippo and Zack Washer, all 13 year olds.

The human body project is a culmination of the semester’s curriculum that is also the subject of the final exam in Linda Hill-Lindsay’s seventh-grade science class on human anatomy.

Hill-Lindsay says that in previous years the bodies experienced

The team of Lucy Fontenot, Katie Hayden, Bailey Shoemaker and Regan Caraner used a CD with "heavy metal" music to represent muscle in their body project.

an after-life at the Laguna Art Museum as art installations and have been stationed on a floor of the former South Coast Medical Center to cheer up patients and visitors.


Students Lucy Fontenot, Katie Hayden, Baily Shoemaker and Regan Caraner, all 13, discuss their choices of anatomical parts for "Latifa."
Science instructor Linda Hill-Lindsay grades student presentations on their human body projects.


Master Yoda, a “Starwars” action figure, symbolizes the brain as the master of the body for one project.


Jordan Leppo, 13, with "Jonah" showing a garlic press for the teeth, symbolizing how teeth mash food.
Jordan Leppo, 13, with "Jonah" showing a garlic press for teeth, symbolizing how teeth mash food. Leppo created the body with the team of Carson Cushing, Anthony Digenova, and Zack Washer.


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