Letter: Why 3 Ex-City Clerks Endorse Ann Marie McKay


Ann Marie McKay, is endorsed by three retired city clerks as the most qualified candidate for Laguna Beach city clerk. This is why:

It is vital that the city clerk’s office maintain independence from the city manager and the city council. The office exists to ensure citizens can participate in their local government no matter who or what they support politically. I am supporting Ann Marie because she is not beholden to any other officials in city government and has not worked directly for them. She is very bright and has 10 years of experience as Laguna Beach Community Development Department staff member, making her well versed in how our city works.

Ann Marie is a dedicated public servant, a former United State Air Force Captain, she has extensive technical knowledge, and works very hard. She is also a dedicated volunteer for Laguna Beach seniors and for the PUP program, the nonprofit arm of the Laguna Beach Animal Shelter. She cares deeply about our community.

As a 35-year Laguna Beach resident, retired city clerk of San Juan Capistrano and former deputy city clerk of Laguna Beach – I am endorsing Ann Marie McKay because she is the most qualified and independent candidate.

Meg Monahan, Laguna Beach

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  1. All 3 of them are Village Laguna members or past board members, including yourself. Admit it Meg, you guys just want to control that position so you’ve bred someone that is naive enough to think your endorsement doesn’t come with any strings. Poor Ann Marie has no clue what your gang hand planned for you.


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