Letter: City Should Consider Fire Cameras


I recently became aware that Rancho Palos Verdes’ City Council is narrowing down its vote to install cameras in strategic areas in their city to spot fires—cameras will have a 30-mile and 360-degree capability to spot smoke and fire – as an early warning system and to activate their fire dept. I think that something like this sounds extremely viable here in Laguna—cameras at Top of the World, Blue Bird Canyon, Arch Beach Heights, South Laguna and perhaps somewhere in the Canyon would certainly be helpful. Of course some groups don’t want to “spend money” on such projects including a fire station in South Laguna—they don’t like the location, etc. I think city safety is paramount and we should continue to look at ways to mitigate any fires.

Some of us have had to buy new homeowner insurance policies because they were canceled or became limited in scope. Often costing much more and limited fire protection.

Ganka Brown, Laguna Beach

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