Letter: Has City Hall Prioritized Climate Change?


I was the only Laguna resident to chime in with a public comment on the resolution proposed by Councilmember George Weiss on March 15, 2022, and I spoke in support of it. That was not because I necessarily thought it would pass.

It was a complex document coming up for discussion very late in the meeting, and it was evident that several councilmembers were not sufficiently familiar with it. However, the fact that it was general in its language and extremely ambitious, yet not calling for exact, immediate, concrete actions, is no reason to dismiss it. Every week I learn more about how crucial it is that individuals, corporations and government at every level aggressively take up the climate change challenge right away.

There are numerous very creative and far-reaching actions happening on climate. In just one issue of Canada-based The Energy Mix, there are articles about requiring federally regulated entities to line up their investment activities with Canada’s climate commitments, a huge new battery factory, a $5 billion green bond that sold out in one week, insisting that banks and insurers truly meet their net-zero pledges, exposing the myth that new oil and gas wells won’t help Ukraine, and an online tool that matches up Canadian oil workers with renewables jobs.

Less than ambitious is unacceptable, and even relatively small cities have their part to play. I have reviewed the 22-points in Weiss’ proposal. These are all good ideas, and a robust action plan to effectively address climate change will eventually have to implement steps in most if not all of these areas.

For example, check the WWS (Wind-Water-Solar) world described in detail by Stanford engineer Mark Jacobson. Cut emissions using power demand reduction and energy efficiency, and explore/implement myriad new clean energy sources and energy storage methods, all fundamental to reducing CO2 emissions. Even if Utopian, the Weiss proposal helps focus awareness and educates regarding how complex and multi-faceted solving climate change will be. That enhances understanding and creates solidarity, which is so vital to preserve a livable planet. When this proposal returns to the agenda, in whatever modified form, everyone who cares about the climate crisis should be on the line. (Hint: You may want to take a nap that day.)

Gary Stewart, Laguna Beach

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