‘Ruthless!’ The Musical is to Die For



As a visitor to Laguna Beach from Florida, I feel compelled to write to you about the finest local theater production I have ever seen.  Daniella Walsh’s glowing review in her article “Ruthless Musical Equals Unabashed Fun,” Aug. 3, was right on target!  The play is absolutely magnificent!  “Ruthless!” is quite possibly the best musical comedy that nobody has ever heard of. My fear however is that the production might fall off the radar screen of so many in your wonderful community.    The cast of talented singers and comedic actors are spot-on in their performances and the audience’s belly laughs are genuine and abundant. I have been to many Broadway plays that pale by comparison. Let me ask a question, have you ever enjoyed something so much (spontaneous standing ovation good) that you must tell anyone who will listen about it?

As I looked around the No Square Theater at the end of Saturday night’s performance, I was shocked to see some empty seats. My heart sank as it dawned on me that there are many people in today’s troubled world that could use a good laugh and share in a magical moment. Apparently, the final performances of “Ruthless!” will be on Friday, Saturday and Sunday (Aug. 10, 11 and 12) at 7:30 p.m. at the No Square Theater, 384 Legion St., Laguna Beach. My ticket was only $20.

Do yourself a favor and go…you can thank me later.

Gregory F. Coker

Apollo Beach, Fla.

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