Letter: Vandalism reaction seems excessive


Michael Ray continues to berate Village Laguna and make false accusations. This letter is a rebuttal to his recently published article. I am not sure why Indy allows him the privilege of being an author and contributor when his articles are filled with subjective misinformation and not facts.

Michael Ray, the substance was not feces.

It would have been appreciated that the city responsibly engage in thoughtful investigative measures to determine the nature of the “substance” before setting off the fire alarms to create a vandalism media nationwide scandal. This rather obvious failure makes the press release appear to have been politically planned to divert attention away from the traffic citation received by city manager Dupuis? 

In my opinion, vandalism causes the destruction of private property. The “substance” took a hose to wash and rinse off. I have had my car egged and my house TP-ed by local teenagers. No fire alarm and nothing newsworthy. I believe the culprits are more likely juvenile minor teenagers that had no idea whose house it was when they committed this act. 

In my day, the parents would have gathered to round up their high school teenagers to wash it off. This generally stopped the egging and TP of neighborhood homes in my community. Problem solved. I doubt most folks know where Dupuis resides. 

Joe Cockran, Laguna Beach

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  1. Forget the so-called feces. The hate occurs towards Ms. Dupuis on Next Door, social media, at council meetings on a weekly basis where the cast of Laguna’s Mean Girls continue to attack her by purposely mispelling or pronouncing her name, insulting her hair color or appearance, her character, and trying to intimidate her by video taping her.

    Yes, there is a hate group in this city and we should not tolerate their behavior anymore. I have already asked that the DA look into this intimidation as well as voter intimidation on social media.

  2. Thank you Mr. Cockran, I agree with your statement: “It would have been appreciated that the city responsibly engage in thoughtful investigative measures to determine the nature of the “substance” before setting off the fire alarms to create a vandalism media nationwide scandal. This rather obvious failure makes the press release appear to have been politically planned to divert attention away from the traffic citation received by city manager Dupuis?”

    City governments should not create or release information that is not vetted for complete accuracy. Period. Especially when the police department is involved and the City Manager approves the release of public information. In this case, this is concerning to me on many levels including a potential conflict of interest.

    I disagree with Mr. Vogel’s accusations entirely. IMO, this is just another local business owner (re: Sam Goldstein in the 2022 election) with a self-interest agenda publicly labeling, name-calling and attacking residents for speaking out about city leadership and city business. I believe similar remarks were removed from Nextdoor for violating respectful public engagement guidelines so his negative and destructive approach to local residents civic involvement isn’t a surprise. Peter Blake who did the same and look where that got him.


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