Opinion: Pet Peeves


Fresh Faces

By Mark D. Crantz

Ahh, I don’t think I’m the right guy to write about that. I’m old. My face is older. How’s that possible, you ask? Well, not that it’s any of your business, but my butt looks younger. That’s a good thing. Otherwise, I’d be mistaken as a twin. That’s why I keep my pants on. We don’t need two of me writing about.

Fresh Faces are young artists with young faces with young art that will be displayed at Festival of Arts South. The exhibit is displayed in Active Cultures on South Coast Highway from April 9 through June 10.

Now, I like Active Cultures. I walk by it everyday. I don’t go in there any more because it’s named Active Cultures. I’m not active. They may as well have a sign on the door that says, “Welcome Everyone. Except Crantz.” So, I walk by and wave at all the active, fresh faced yogurt eaters. I hope to live long enough to see an Inactive Cultures. “Welcome Crantz. Drop your drawers. The bottom guy can come in. The top guy keep out. You’ll scare the customers.”

Fresh Faces is a great idea. These young people are super talented. They work in different mediums, I.e., painting, photography, glass, mixed media and more. I’ve tried these various mediums with little success. In elementary art class, my art teacher told my Mother, “Mark will never be a great artist. He eats paste. None of his projects stick together.” Now, I’ve had more recent medium success. I went to a medium once. She informed me, “Nobody over here wants to hear from you. Stay on your own side.”

Now, I told you I like Active Cultures, didn’t I? Here’s what I like about it. When you walk by it, there are young, vibrant faces happy to eat yogurt and share with each other their hopes and dreams. It’s life in motion, the opposite of Pageant of the Masters. Both are good. One is a still picture of life. The other is a YouTube video of life blooming.

Come support these Fresh Faces and their fresh faced art. Come in and look around. Except Crantz, both of him.

Crantz tells the Indy that he is looking for an art sponsor that will support his paintings of wall safes, where behind them will be paintings of life behind bars.



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