Advocating for Alternates



It is true, very true, as Councilmember Bob Whalen said that “there is a steep learning curve when you go on the [Planning] Commission,” (“Incumbents Prevail on Arts, Planning Boards,” May 31 edition) Planning commission is important as well because it is so frequently a stepping stone from which candidates run for City Council.

I would therefore suggest to the City Council that it give consideration to the creation of an “alternate” membership on the Planning Commission, which would allow a potential new member to learn, and would also allow council  — and the public — to evaluate her or his performance to determine whether, at the next opening, he or she should be appointed to a full term. 

Along the same lines, and for much the same reasons, I would suggest also considering reinstating the alternate position on the Design Review Board.


Gene Gratz, Laguna Beach

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