Crowning Table Top Champs


Good-natured ribbing between players as well as intense, competitive ping pong characterized last Saturday’s third annual table tennis tournament at The Susi Q Senior Center. Fifteen players competed in singles and doubles brackets.



  1. Russell Singer
  2. William Ta.



  1. Russel Singer & Fiona Skye
  2. Mo Ramhormozi & Don Clarfeld
Trophies went to the top two finishers, as well as cake, cookies and refreshments to all who attended, participants and spectators alike.
Trophies went to the top two finishers, as well as cake, cookies and refreshments to all who attended, participants and spectators alike.

















Mark Smith, left, returns a shot from Freddie Greenfield.
Mark Smith, left, returns a shot from Freddie Greenfield.










William Ta shows his anguish over a missed shot.
William Ta shows his anguish over a missed shot.














Though fun, the tournament also brought out the intensity of competition in Terry Timmins.
Though fun, the tournament also brought out the intensity of competition in Terry Timmins.



















Photos by: Mitch Ridder





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