Fee Hike Requires a Coastal Development Permit



The three council members that voted in favor of the current village entrance project have promised to institute a $1 per hour parking meter rate increase to help cover the cost of this multi-million dollar nightmare.

Any increases to parking fees requires approval by the California Coastal Commission.

Since these same three city council members tell us that residents would back up any short fall with the general fund, perhaps it would be wise to first seek the counsel of the Coastal Commission and let them take a look at this grandiose plan since it will in fact require a coastal development permit.

Increases to parking fees is only part of what the Coastal Commission will be interested in reviewing.

Why not allow the residents of Laguna Beach to vote on the village entrance project and see how they feel about this project before moving forward to the Coastal Commission?

Shaen Larimer, Laguna Beach

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