Solving Congestion With Peripheral Parking



This week, the last of the old coin-operated parking meters in Laguna Beach are being replaced with smart meters. Please take a look at what San Francisco is doing about parking.

This is how San Francisco has implemented a parking solution: The map you see is a real-time map of available parking spots. A full explanation of how the system works is found here:

The cost of purchasing or leasing lots in North Laguna (Upper Story at Boat Canyon) or working out a lease with the hospital or parking structure in Albertson’s shopping center in South Laguna would be cheaper times 10, and would alleviate the congestion at the entrance to Laguna.  We already have 50 spaces at Boat Canyon. Another 75 north and 75 south and we have replaced the 200 new spaces in the garage. Shuttles and trolley stops as needed to follow. We could then concentrate on cleaning up the creek, opening up the rusty sheds to artists, and having a great riverside park, which would be a huge attraction.

But if the intent is to let the business district (aka developers and downtown  property owners) have close-in parking then we are being “sold a bill of goods” not a parking structure for visitors. If the city truly wants to be visionary, this parking structure is old-style thinking and will do nothing to alleviate congestion. Money for using peripheral parking alternatives and creating a shuttle lane in and out the canyon to the freeway is visionary. There are grant monies available too.

I ask the City Council to take another look at the many creative alternatives there are versus building a massive parking structure in the village entrance, and evaluate all the information of the mobility study before they vote to go ahead with the proposed project.

Charlotte Masarik, Laguna Beach




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