Museum Open House Fills Galleries

The museum’s volunteer of the year Michele Monda with Executive Director Malcolm Warner.
The museum’s volunteer of the year Michele Monda with Executive Director Malcolm Warner.

Membership in the Laguna Art Museum rose by 13 percent in the last year and the museum for the first time held two art camps for kids this summer, executive director Malcolm Warner said during an annual open house this past Tuesday, Sept. 10.

The museum recently acquired a 1933 untitled landscape painting by one of the town’s best known Impressionist painters, William Wendt, a work by Sam Francis and photographs depicting 1960s Laguna Beach vistas by Marcia Hafif, Warner told the 200 people in attendance. He also outlined a roster of future exhibitions, which will include one centered on works from a collection by Los Angeles’ Eli Broad.

Museum store manager Michele Monda received kudos a volunteer of the year. Her motto “keep it affordable, portable and local” transformed the store from an afterthought to a destination, Warner said.



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