New Planner to Lead Development Department

Greg Pfost
Greg Pfost

The former deputy community development director for Rancho Palos Verdes, who supervised its view restoration services, was hired to lead Laguna Beach’s community development department.

Greg Pfost (pronounced Post), will be responsible for supervising planning, zoning, building, and code enforcement services, City Manager John Pietig announced last week.

In Palos Verdes, which served as the model for the view ordinance approved by the City Council on Thursday, May 29, Pfost was involved with the day-to-day management of the department and directly managed planning, code enforcement and view restoration matters.

He was also responsible for working on larger current and advanced planning projects such as the city’s first general plan update and its affordable housing program.

Pfost, who lives with his wife and two children in Huntington Beach, was selected from a pool of 127 applicants and has 25 years of experience as a public sector planner, including 13 years of expertise in Southern California coastal communities.

Pfost will start June 24 and succeeds John Montgomery, who retired.

Pfost started his career as a draftsman and project manager for an architectural and planning firm. He holds a master’s degree in public administration from Cal State Long Beach, and a bachelor of science degree in urban planning from California Polytechnic State University at Pomona.

“I’m excited to join this beautiful community and look forward to being a part of the significant urban planning efforts that are underway,” Pfost said in a statement.

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