Short-Term Rentals Restrictions Trample on Property Rights



letter was addressed to City Council members:

I’ve just read the news articles in the OC Register, Laguna Beach Independent and the Coastline Pilot regarding “short-term rentals.”

The City Council is considering whether to continue to allow them or not. Another possibility is to allow them with certain restrictions.

The question I have is where do you receive your authority from to tell a private property owners who and how long they can rent to?

Yes, I know other cities have done so, but I don’t believe they have the authority either and it is simply a matter of time before this is tested in court.

I’m sure that day is coming and I do not want Laguna Beach to be spending my tax dollars trying to defend a losing argument. I understand residents’ frustrations with loud parties, illegal parking and too many people occupying the residence, but laws to prevent that already exist and apply to everyone, not just short-term renters.

The way to stop such abuse is to enforce those laws and make sure the renters obey the laws just like all other residents in the city. Discriminating against certain renters and landlords (which this is) will just invite more lawsuits and arguments. Allow the vast majority of both owners and renters that are good citizens to enjoy their rights.

Ralph Balcof, Laguna Beach

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  1. Thank you, for speaking out to the obvious~just because other cities have gotten away with bans…doesn’t mean they are correct or it is LEGAL to intrude upon rights of property owner,

    “The question I have is where do you receive your authority from to tell a private property owners who and how long they can rent to?

    Yes, I know other cities have done so, but I don’t believe they have the authority either and it is simply a matter of time before this is tested in court.”

    BRAVO for taking the obvious road

  2. I agree with both comments above. I do believe this will end up in court, unless this moratorium is lifted. People should have a right to rent their property short or long term., as long as the laws are followed.


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