County Educators Need Lessons in Leadership



(This letter was also addressed to the Orange County Board of Education.)

Wow, being a human being can be so tricky. On Wednesday, I attended the controversial OC Board of Education meeting due to a concern that statements by Board President Robert Hammond were threatening, discriminatory, and derogatory.

My intent in attending the meeting was different than what actually happened. My intention was to come from a place of empathy and to understand Mr. Hammond’s point of view, so as to demonstrate to Mr. Hammond that as someone who is gay, married and has children in our public school system, we have the same concerns that he does: that our children feel safe, respected and loved. I wanted to rise above all the name-calling and position posturing.

But that’s not what happened. I allowed myself to get immediately triggered by the divisive spirit of the discussion. Without even realizing it, my defenses were up. Soon thereafter I found myself doing the exact things I wanted to be done with: I was positional, judgmental, and doing my own name-calling. Not a good day for me, and certainly not the kind of person I want to be for myself, my kids or our community.

I went to the meeting to make a request, so I will make it now. As a concerned parent and taxpayer in Orange County, my request of President Hammond and the Board of Education is to fulfill your leadership responsibility of Orange County’s public school system. An effective leader can bring people together, see their commonalities, honor differences, and have all people feel truly supported. With this kind of leadership, our school system would thrive.

Be the example of effective leadership for our school community that has all students, no matter what makes them different, feel safe, respected and loved. It will take courage, and it is the right thing to do. I invite the board to learn more at


Chris Tebbutt, Laguna Beach.


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