Reader Critiques School Board Forum



The Laguna Beach school board candidate forum last week was quite revealing. Incumbent Jan Vickers was clear and steady, demonstrating that she knows the job inside and out. I am told Vickers attends each school’s PTA meetings, back-to-school nights, open houses, elementary and middle school promotions. To me, that shows dedication. Former Orange County public schoolteacher Peggy Wolff proved an equally strong candidate. She demonstrated a command of district issues and the touchy subjects that can divide parents and administrators, succinctly explaining her logic.

The third candidate, Howard Hills, confused me. He was against the use of consultants to help improve curriculum (calling it a waste of money), but he favored (and would spend heavily on) “security” consultants, suggesting our schools were somehow unsafe. He criticized past actions of the school board but had “no opinion” on the merits of the decisions at issue. He brought with him a thick sheaf of papers. It was the LBUSD budget, and he used it as a prop to dramatically wave it in the air and call it “useless.” And in response to nearly every question, Hills mentioned his desire to add “civics” and “governance” classes for grades 5 through 12, without mentioning what courses he would eliminate to make room in the schedule.

The candidates also differed in demeanor. Vickers and Wolff answered questions directly and cogently. They were thoughtful and courteous. Hills, on the other hand, delivered long answers that exceeded the agreed upon time limits, and kept trying to remake points in response to prior questions. He even argued with the moderator. I found him to be disrespectful.

For all these reasons, I’m voting for Vickers and Wolff.


Rachiel MacAlistaire, Laguna Beach



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