Local Author Hosts Book Signing


3 write stuff dennis lockwoodLocal Dennis Lockwood has finished the first of an envisioned trilogy and will sign and discuss his first novel at 6 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 26, at Laguna Beach Books, 1200 S. Coast Highway.

“Duality” is a suspense thriller about a transgender Vegas showgirl stalked by a serial killer. Lockwood said the novel takes the reader on an action-filled ride between Las Vegas and Laguna Beach.




Health Expert Shares His Wisdom

Retired Wall Street executive turned author and senior health expert, Rod Fisher writes about his research in “The Ageless Boomer,” published this month by Rope Tree Press.

3 write stuff fisher .31.37 PMThe 70-year-old Laguna Beach resident pursued the secrets to ageless living following the premature deaths of his parents to cancer. Determined that he nor his children would face the same fate, Fisher transformed his approach to diet and fitness and went vegan at the age of 40.

He joined the advisory board of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine, founded by Dr. Andrew Weil, and spent decades meeting health and fitness experts.

Readers will learn how to shift to a plant based diet, common myths about veganism, basic graduated exercise routines, tips for effective meditation and how living an ageless boomer lifestyle can reduce symptoms and conditions common to seniors.

Find his book on Amazon: http://amzn.to/2izByCN



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