New Law Infringes on Personal Liberties


The Nanny State now imposes a citywide smoking ban. And (Mayor Toni) Iseman wishes she could even invade our homes with her assault on personal liberties. Wasn’t she the clown who wanted to spay/neuter the poor sea lions that wash up on our beaches?

I propose another ban! No one with less than a three digit IQ may serve on the Council. Call it the Waters-Pelosi Amendment.

Just sayin’.


Matt Smith, Laguna Beach

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  1. Great letter to the editor(s) Matt.
    Let’s not stop with smoking. Let’s go after the chronologically gifted that wear adult briefs (diapers). No diapers for old people in Laguna. All adult elderly are now required to wear cloth diapers that must be washed out and dried to save the environment. With a recent windfall of city fiscal income, we can hire “Shit” police that will enforce this egregious environmental violation with impunity!

  2. When is there a public comment on the Draconian Cigerette Ban As we are all being poisoned by Roundup Ready being sprayed all over our town, it’s in the Ocean in the air from leaf blowers, it in the water and our bodies, never hear a word about that, out of site out of mind.


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