Club Calendar


Meet the Oldest Everest Climber

The oldest American to climb Mt. Everest, Costa Mesa resident Bill Burke, will talk to the Laguna Beach Business Club at their next breakfast meeting at 7:30 a.m. on Thursday, Feb. 17, at the Hotel Laguna. Visitors are welcome by reservation.

Burke, who has already climbed the highest mountain on every continent, will present a video and discuss his training and preparation for the climbs.

The $25 cost of the event includes breakfast. RSVP to club’s president John Campbell, at [email protected] or 949-494-1008; or contact Gil Thibault at [email protected] or 949-275-5900.

Bill Burke on Everest

Learn the History of Downtown

The Laguna Beach Historical Society will host “History of Downtown Laguna Beach,” a free program presented by Eric Jessen and Gene Felder, at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 17, at the City Hall Council Chambers.

In the meantime, anyone can step back into 1920s Laguna by visiting the Laguna Beach Historical Society’s Murphy-Smith Bungalow, located at 278 Ocean Avenue, which is free and open to the public from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Friday through Sunday.

Sharing Tales of War-time Generosity

History scholar and local Glenna Matthews will speak Thursday, Feb. 17 at the Exchange Club’s 12:15 p.m. meeting at Watermarc restaurant, 448 S. Coast Highway.

A UC history teacher finishing her sixth book, a study of California during the  Civil War, she intends to share stories about confederate sympathizers in Southern California and more tales of generosity and courage by union supporters.

The cost for non-members is $20. Direct questions to Katy Moss at 494-0703 or Jim Rue at 494-6684.

Great Decisions Focuses on Africa, Haiti

Great Decisions discussion groups will meet at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 429 Cypress, on Tuesday, Feb. 15.

The afternoon group, meeting at 1:30 will discuss the Horn of Africa.  The evening group, which convenes at 7 p,m,, will be led by Elye Pitts in a discussion of Haiti.

For further information, call 494 2247.

RotaryAccepting Grant Applications

Laguna Beach Rotary Club will accept applications for grants from Feb. 15 through March 31 for this year. Potential grant recipients should apply through Jeff Redeker, community service chair, at [email protected].

The 80-year-old local club raises funds to support local charitable needs through its car show, Friday lunch meetings, and other fundraisers.

Friends of Garden Host Annual Meeting

Master gardener Kay Havens will be the guest speaker at the 5:30 p.m. annual meeting of the Friends of the Hortense Miller Garden on Wednesday, Feb. 16, at the Susi Q Community Center, 380 Third Street.

Experienced gardeners as well as beginners will benefit from Haven’s explanations. There will also be ample time for questions.

For more info: call Marsha Bode at 949 244-2010.

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