Raise the Alarm Over Dismantling Marine Protections



For decades, the Marine Mammal Protection Act has protected marine mammals from seismic surveys, preventing oil companies from exploring off California and elsewhere.

However, there are two bills winding their way through Congress that would speed up permits for seismic blasts used to locate oil and gas and dismantle MMPA safeguards for whales.

The noise from these blasts, scientists say, can disorient and damage the hearing of cetaceans so badly that they lose their ability to navigate and reproduce. The bills are H.R. 3133, Streamlining Environmental Approvals (or SEA Act) and H.R. 4239, Strengthening the Economy With Critical Untapped Resources to Expand American Energy (or SECURE American Energy Act).

These bills could have a long-lasting and potentially disastrous impact on our coast, the lives of the whales and dolphins that live or visit here and, consequentially, the tourism economy.

There has been little movement on the bills since the SEA Act passed committee in January, but opponents are concerned they could be attached last minute to this year’s military reauthorization or another must-pass bill.

Please call our Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (District 48), to voice opposition to these bills and, frankly, to any bill that will allow oil and gas drilling off our coast.

Cheryl Procaccini, Laguna Beach


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  1. Thank you Cheryl for your informative editorial. The future is alternate energy, not oil and gas, which will cause even more carbon emissions, spills, and destruction to air. water, tide pools & marine life and to the environment.

  2. “Alternate energy” say protesters who drive their gasoline powered cars to marches and scream-ins everywhere. “Alternate energy” say Hollywood Limousine Liberals who fly their private jets to their OTHER mansions, some in Italy, some in South America. “Alternate energy” costs billions of tax dollars, and the electricity it produces is far more expensive than traditional sources, particularly nuclear, which eco-hypocrites have opposed for decades!

    The mirror arrays kill hundreds of birds in deserts. Wind turbines kill hundreds more. Dams prevent silt from washing downstream, and prevent fish from swimming to their spawning grounds. Finally, aircraft can’t use “alternative energy” and eco-hypocrites love to fly on “ecotours” with Rick Steves who is always repeating, “Keep on traveling (and burning tons of fossil fuels!)”.

    And don’t forget the Pageant of the Masters, the Sawdust Festivals, and the museums, shops, restaurants and beaches of Laguna! Bring your money here. Lots of it!


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