Quake Stricken Nepalese Villages Continue Rebuilding

Susan Hough, of Laguna Beach’s Walking for Water, on her way to inspect a future well site in Nepal. Photo courtesy of R Star

Local non-profit R Star Foundation reports that over 55 organic greenhouses are now in place in the Nepalese villages hit by two earthquakes in 2015. The quakes caused extensive damage throughout the country, including the 48 villages in Nepal that the foundation has provided with goats over the past 10 years.

The greenhouses are creating year-round income so family homes can be rebuilt, said Rosalind Russell, R Star’s founder. Field agricultural allows for only two crop cycles per year and would not supply sufficient funds to rebuild a home, she added. The goats continue to thrive and allow the women who tend them to earn an income as well. Dan Laney trains women in the care of the goats.

Top of the World School Nepal, opened in 2009 with funds donated to R Star, was constructed to local building standards using steel rebar and a cement foundation sustained some damage but continues to serve 65 elementary students.

With the help of Rotary Clubs, R Star has brought well water and new bathrooms to a school in the Terai area, which was damaged by flooding.

The Laguna Beach High School club Walking for Water has been to Nepal and plans to establish another well, which will supply 3,000 people from two villages with fresh water. LBHS students will be present when the well is drilled in February of next year, Russell said.

R Star has also facilitated 14 women from 14 different villages in graduating from cosmetology school and obtaining their licenses.

Russell said another trip to Nepal is planned for December. Gifts of travel rewards will help cover air-fares leaving their cash for on-going projects, she said noting that travel rewards are tax deductible donations. To make a donation, contact [email protected] 949-497-4922 or visit RStarFoundation.org.

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