Letter: We Can’t Afford Another Four Years of Iseman


This election comes at a critical juncture for our city. It’s a vote for new voices instead of the same old tired faces. Village Laguna has launched a vitriolic campaign filled with distortions and outright lies in their desperate attempts to cling to power and keep their puppets on the City Council. It’s a sad spectacle. Laguna cannot afford four more years of Toni Iseman. She believes the city belongs to her and Village Laguna to do with as they wish. She’s rude during council meetings to the public and is out of touch. The homeless and tourists top her list of priorities with residents a distant third. She’s failed on traffic issues, homeless issues and petty crime issues. Enough is enough. City Hall is corrupt and it starts at the top. Toni has fed at the public trough far too long and needs to step aside for some fresh ideas. If she spent her own money like she spends the taxpayers,’ she’d have filed for bankruptcy long ago. It’s time to end VL and Toni’s reign of error and return Laguna to its residents. We deserve a City Council that cares about us.

Skip Houston, Laguna Beach

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