Letter: Regarding the Covington Students


Hypocrisy is what upsets me the most. I don’t care if you are a liberal or a conservative, the hypocrisy must stop.

I’m proud of the Covington boys, the parents and their Catholic school. In his recent letter, Mark Dressler doesn’t correctly describe the events that lead the Covington boys to act that way. Based on what happened to them that day, the parents and the school prevented an all-out brawl.

Beginning in the morning, the boys were taunted at a right to life march. Later, Nathan Philips and a group of Native Americans tried to taunt them inside a Catholic church, where they were having a private mass. Later, at the Lincoln memorial, 15 black men, who identify as the Hebrew Israelites, verbally attacked them. Calling them young Klansmen and incest babies. Then, Nathan Phillips and the other nine Native Americans walked directly towards the boys, banging a drum and making noises. Could the boys have handled this better? Yes, but what about the Israelites and the Native Americans—aren’t they adults? Why didn’t Mr. Dressler address their behavior? Blaming a hat is ridiculous.

John Fornaro, Laguna Beach

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  1. Spot on! I have yet to see Mr. Dressler’s apology letter. I doubt we will. As a teacher he should understand when you are knowingly wrong you own it. Was he not teaching our children this very message?


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