Letter: In Support of Dee Perry


My daughter Makayla was a student at El Morro in Mrs. Perry’s third grade class, and my daughter adored her and so did I. We just saw her at high school graduation, and she gave my daughter the biggest hug and it was so special to have Mrs. Perry there. Mrs. Perry also sent my daughter a special graduation card to say how proud she was of her accomplishment considering the health problems my daughter had suffered with during her school years, and it brought tears to my daughters eyes to see how much Mrs. Perry cared about her after all these years. She was an incredible teacher to Makayla, and I witnessed firsthand as a volunteer in her classroom how much she loved her students and they loved her. The children are lucky to have her representing them in our school district. We support her 100 percent and always will.

We love and thank you, Mrs. Perry!

The Klug Family, Laguna Beach

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