Letter: Thank You, Laguna Beach


The 2019 Laguna Beach Garden Club (LBGC) Gate and Garden Tour broke all previous letters to the editorfundraising records. The over $25,000 raised contributes directly to provide local students much-needed college scholarships, elementary, middle and high school conservation and garden programs, and the ongoing beautification and preservation of our parks and community landscapes throughout Laguna Beach. We couldn’t do it without the participation and support of this amazing, small town community. We thank you!

The LBGC is a vibrant, energetic organization with almost 200 members that, since its inception in 1928, has a 90-year history of “growing and giving.” Our club members are men and women (young and, ahem, mature) from Laguna Beach as well as neighboring communities. How can we help you? What gardening questions are at the top of your list? Reach out to us anytime. All are welcome and encouraged to attend a monthly meeting and see if the LBGC is for you. Visit www.lagunabeachgardenclub.org for more information.

And now, Laguna Beach, we need your help! We all have neighbors whose gardens delight us each time we pass. Who do you know who has a garden ripe to be featured in next year’s LBGC Gate and Garden Tour on Friday, May 1, 2020? Nominate your neighbor’s garden (and your own) and we’ll reach out to connect and share the fun of being a featured garden on our 2020 LBGC Gate and Garden Tour. Please email your nomination(s) to Karen Nelson: [email protected] by Sept. 30.

Karen Nelson, Laguna Beach Garden Club

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