Indy Columnist Meets Presidential Candidate Amy Klobuchar

Amy Klobuchar and Denny Freidenrich.
—Photo by Carrie Reynolds/courtesy of Denny Freidenrich


Back in February, the Indy published Denny Freidenrich’s column, “Amy Klobuchar is the one to watch in 2020.”

Last Sunday night, at a reception for the presidential candidate, the senator (D-Minn.) signed a copy of the column: “Denny, thanks for looking to the future! We can do this!”

The event was held at the home of Lara Horgan, president of the Laguna Beach Democratic Club.

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  1. “Thanks for looking to the future!” Socialism is the failed past. Class warfare and race-baiting are cynical, bitter and destructive yet you Democrats continue to push them while moving further and further to the left. You’ll never learn.

  2. FYI Klobuchar has the highest staff turnover rate in the Senate and has been referred to as a horrible boss. She degrades her employees and is known as horrible boss/leader.

    Was the salad served with a fork or comb? Denny did she ask you to clean it after?


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