Letter: Say Yes to Preserving Trees


Tyler McCusker has a new column in The Indy and in the spirit of open dialog, I wish to challenge Mr. McCusker’s central premise.  In my view, the widespread public opinion [including Village Laguna] is saying Yes and Mr. McCusker’s small band of activists is saying No.

We are saying Yes to preserving our downtown trees, Yes to keeping the Village Entrance open and uncluttered from a “mushroom pavilion”, and Yes to saving our historic Digester landmark.  In all of these cases his group has taken the no position. Mr. McCusker has a right to his opinions, such as his support of the $1 million “mushroom pavilion” and the $14 million downtown “make-over” and saying no to saving the Digester, but he shouldn’t be surprised that the vast majority of the public does not agree with him.  Yes to preserving and protecting Laguna Beach.

Charlotte Masarik, Laguna Beach

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  1. Rubbish, shame on your for bullying someone that has a different opinion that yours. Many people agree with Tyler and are tired of your group claiming you speak for the majority.

    Charlotte, maybe you should say you are biased as a longtime Village Laguna Board Member and want this community to be preserved in amber, a museum of sorts that shows what goes wrong when a small group of individuals hijack the government and attempt to prevent any responsible infrastructure enhancements from occurring, that is unless people from your board are benefiting directly i.e. the disastrous Village Entrance and the Landscape and Scenic Highway Document.

    It’s time to let other generations and residents have a voice. The community has been exposed to your group’s tactics and its disturbing new offspring, Laguna Resident’s First.

    I urge to to stop the fear-mongering tactics and gang mentality. The polarization is destroying the very charm that you claim you are trying to save. Your group needs to take a step back and see the bigger picture and allow new voices to participate without the fear of harassment by VL and its affiliates. The repercussions of your actions will destroy the local economy for generations to come. What is your end goal?

    There are so many of us that are saddened to see our aging community become more and more closed minded. I enjoy seeing residents of all ages come together, and so should you. My grandchildren have really opened my eyes, time to step outside Susi Q and interact a bit more with the students at LCAD and the high school. I am sure you will be surprised, they deserve the opportunity to share what their vision is for their home as well.

  2. Re: Say yes to Preserving trees;
    As if subsidizing the business community and owners of the business real estate by us the residents to the tune of $20,000,000 a year is not enough some of those interests and unfortunately some of those that supposedly represent us would like to demolish the Digester building, cut down the trees that are a symbol of Laguna Beach and replace them with ten foot saplings and redo the sidewalks and crosswalks in many downtown areas all for for the paltry sum of $14,000,000. The Laguna Beach iconic streets especially a Forest Avenue would the look like a shopping mall. It is these types of ill conceived destructions of the cities character that necessitate that the initiative being put forth by Laguna Residents First. Laguna Beach is small enough to have a truly participative democracy where major proposed changes and projects should be put to a vote by the citizens, a practice which was first started in Athens over 2,500 years ago. No one is against development only development that materially reduces our quality of life whether it be through destruction of the cities character or through projects which materially affect our safety by increasing traffic and parking problems or projects totally incompatible with our eclectic and charming mix of architecture. This city is an island sandwiched between the Greebelt on one side and the Bluebelt on the other side. Most residents want to preserve this island for the appreciation and enjoyment of future generations. We must not let the power of the few run roughshod over the many.

  3. Yes, we need to preserve trees. It’s crucial that we have clean oxygen to breath in daily in downtown especially so congested with cars and carbon monoxide. I work in downtown. Thank you so much! Miss Tan & Koi.


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