A Plea for Tree Preservation



Judging by the letters to the editor, public feedback to the city council and other community commentary, the decision to kill a dozen mature, healthy and beautiful trees may have been a mistake.

If the ficus trees were buckling the sidewalks, the eucalyptus probably are too. Those could all come down also. Then change the name of Forest Avenue because the old name won’t be appropriate anymore.

And yet it is alleged that despite city concerns about trips and falls, no complaints of that sort have ever been lodged in regards the trees already felled.

Further, there appears to be a question as to whether cutting was actually authorized of the two trees felled in front of the building that had been Sirous & Sons. I think it is pretty clear that the new occupants of that building will be displeased to learn they have lost the beauty and shade provided by those ex-ficus trees.

Please be more circumspect in the future in your decisions to cut mature healthy trees that block no one’s view of the ocean.

Jim Rue, Laguna Beach

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