An Appreciation for Artists, Musicians



I would like to thank Billy Fried for his wonderful letter about our local musicians and their impact on Laguna’s cultural and artistic heritage.

In our day to day rush to succeed, we too often fail to notice or to honor those that have given so much of themselves for the betterment of our world and our spiritual growth.  The impact of their individual spirits are felt through their lyrics and their heartfelt performances.  I am a better person for having known them and a better world citizen for having shared and embraced their passionate message, for they all embrace the adage “be the change you wish to see in the world”.  These artists constantly challenge us to improve ourselves and rise to a higher spiritual level.

From the earliest Native American inhabitants who turned their artistry into a lifestyle, Laguna Beach has had a special relationship with artists.  We should never forget that the very nature of Laguna has been carved into our hearts by these courageous souls who are motivated by the simple concerns of honesty, humanity and beauty.

As I often tell people at the Sawdust Festival…”you know this art business isn’t a get rich quick scheme.”  Yet despite the financial insanity that goes hand in hand with being an artist in this world, these people still manage to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars each year through benefit performances and art auctions. This is where their true wealth goes.. to those individuals, environmental causes and scholastic development programs that most need our help and support.  The amount of time, effort and beauty created and freely given by these artists is truly humbling and should serve as an inspiration to all of us as individuals and corporations. They have earned our appreciation and respect, which is too often unspoken.

So I wish to thank all of you artists and musicians alike, who have lovingly created this wonderful town that we are so blessed to call home. Your hippie and reggae-inspired souls have manifested a beauty far more magical and powerful than my words can describe.

Let us all thank our artists and musicians for what they so graciously contribute to our town and to our lives.


Greg Thorne, Laguna Beach

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