Team Shows its Gratitude to Pavilions


1 knott letr LBHS Girls 2012-13Editor,

The Laguna Beach High School girls water polo team is honoring Pavilions for their commitment to our school and particularly the girls water polo program. Pavilions market has contributed much needed monies through eScrip and the 10% Back To Schools program.

The players, coaches and parents of the LBHS girls water polo program feel it is important to recognize the positive impact the contributions have had on the team. “Thank you” Pavilions for the ongoing support that provided equipment and supplies this past year. Pavilions’ dedication to our girls allows our team to be one of the top programs in the state.

A special “thanks” to the manager of our local Pavilions in North Laguna, Charles Gnesda and the rest of his Pavilions team.

Thank you, Pavilions for partnering with the LBHS girls water polo team.


Brian Knott, Laguna Beach

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