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Town Crier

Laguna Beach Independent Town Crier Section

High-Steppin’ Fickling to Lead Parade

Author Gloria Fickling, also known for kicking up her heels on dance floors, will serve as grand marshal of the 2018 Laguna Beach Patriots...

Pet Peeves

Down in the Dips I smelled a good story when I read the Indy’s “Sewer Odor Fix on its Way.” I went over to Calliope...

Just for Laughs

Read the Personals DEAR MATTHEW—I’m done.  I cannot deal with your obsessive-compulsive, depressive, repetitive condition any longer. You have no curiosity, no desire to travel, to...

Another Tax Hike Looms

Editor, City Council is once again going to spend your tax dollars like drunken sailors. They are developing a 2018 ballot measure for a citywide...

Recent Winds, Fire Underscores the Rationale

Editor, The City Council recently voted unanimously to advance the measures to bury overhead power lines in Laguna Beach.  I applaud this decision, and urge...

Council Should Reject Historical Preservation Ordinance

Editor, Please attend the 9 a.m. Dec. 16 City Council meeting. The Planning Commission ordinance revisions expands the definition of a “historical resource” under the...

Laguna’s Rules Respect Community Character

Editor, As an artist and home remodel builder, I have lived in Laguna Beach 30 years and worked multiple jobs to pay my mortgage simply to live...

Canyon Medians Need a Makeover

Our city has been working on concepts to beautify the city entrance for some time without much action. Here's an idea. As people enter...

Village Laguna Critic Speaks Up

Editor, One item left off the conversation about Park Plaza – the fire department used this route to return to the main Fire Station. This was...



The Kibitzer

The Long Look Back When my father moved our family from Chicago to Baltimore in 1957, his realtor told him where the Jews could and...

Guest Column

Who really took down Al Capone? The term "fake news" continues to dominate today's discussions about politics, finance and other important topics. The same is true...

Taking Stock

Dutch Treat With only a couple of weeks left in 2017, the S&P 500 Stock Index is up 19% so far this year. This uptrend...

Holiday Fun on Land and Sea

Boaters Compete for Hero Status The Dana Point “Superhero” Boat Parade casts off Friday, Dec. 8, with onshore activities around the harbor beginning at 4:30...

Festival of Lights Brightens December

Chabad of Laguna Beach celebrates Chanukah with donuts, comedy and dancing. Children of all ages can decorate donuts, spin dreidles and see the menorah lit...