

Laguna Beach Independent Columns Section

Taking Stock

The Gain From Spain Goes Mainly To The Sane The price swings of the last few years produced emotional swings. They also have created some...


Her Own Two Feet Two I got a job. Really? Yeah, Dancing. Dancing?   It’s good money. Is it? It’s nights. It would be.   Could I use your car to go to work? Just until...

Wisdom Workout

Quieting Down The moon has been vying for center stage lately. The official full moon for September is Monday, the 12th. It has been my...

McWeather or Not

Energetic Atmosphere! Two thunderstorms in the same week rumbled across our region with some pretty intense stuff. That hasn’t happened around here since 1998 at...

Get Out of the House

Wishes Do Come True   After weeks of wishing for the school year to begin, my wish came true. Surprisingly, both Meekma girls were as anxious...

Musings on the Coast

Tribute to a Tragedy This last Sunday in Heisler Park, precisely at 11 a.m. on Sept. 11, the 10-year dedication began with bagpipes playing...

A Tale But No Evidence of the Journey

“ABC Wide World of Sports did a five minute segment on the Aquathon in 1996 finding it one of the new "extreme sports." Aside...

Taking Stock

The Guns Of August: The Fears Of September September should offer some relief from the market’s guns of August, the worst August in 10 years....


Asked and Answered Grampa I have to do a survey for school. O.K. shoot.   I have to write down your age, education and work history, Then I ask...

Musings on the Coast

Graceful Endings and Transitions In my last column, I wrote about the founding of the Taco Bell Discovery Science Center (DSC) in Santa Ana.   Its...

McWeather or Not

Cyclone Spared To quote an old ‘40s song, “Good Night, Irene”. After trashing the Atlantic seaboard and New England, Irene has finally spent all her...

Live Local

Walking the Talk By Cyndi Grasman A few weeks ago I was in line behind a couple of locals waiting to order coffee.  I heard them...

Local Currents

A Contest of Our Own   “With Labor Day quickly approaching, I wanted to put out the very real possibility early that the 50th Annual Brooks...

Guest Column

Park It!  Add Transparency to the Process By Senator Tom Harman In The Yosemite (1912) John Muir wrote, “Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to...

Guest Column

Pet Peeves: Lights Out  Laguna.  Another perfect day in paradise, but then there’s the Good Neighbor Lighting Ordinance. Oh, no! I haven’t been here a...