

Laguna Beach Independent Columns Section

Minding Our Business: Moving Targets

I recently returned from my annual summer sojourn to NYC, my home town, home of the arts, where you could fry an egg on...

Taking Stock

From Shutdown To Surge Only a few weeks ago, political dysfunction shoved the nation to the edge of financial default. The government shutdown was damaging...

Pet Peeves

Graduation Daze I enjoyed reading the Indy article “Class of 2016 Displays an Enterprising Bent.” 116 undergraduates received diplomas from Laguna College of Art and...

Local Currents

Hanoi, Z-Pizza and Horns “’What does a horn mean?’ That’s an interesting question about the social structure of a culture.” --John Parker, President, Amway Japan. While headed...

Village Matters: Don’t Ask How Much

My first remembrance of Arnold Hano is of standing in the kitchen of the Lamont Langworthy-designed house he and Bonnie had built in Bluebird...

Taking Stock

Power Stocks Stocks finished the June quarter with a whimper. As the simmering Euro crisis with Greece finally boiled over, markets dipped everywhere and then...

Pet Peeves

Fan Mail For years now, I set aside Wednesday evenings to answer fan mail. And for years now, I have nothing to do on Wednesdays....

Pet Peeves

It’s lonely at the bottom. Several months ago, I noticed the social media banner at the top of my digital column. Here’s what it...

Opinion: Those Braying Buzzkills Bombing our Beaches

By Billy Fried Summer is here. And so is all of Riverside. If this week is any indication, we are in for a holy hell...

Village Matters: Is There Magic?

I dreaded the prospect of getting married, walking down that aisle. What if that man waiting for me at the altar was the wrong...

Patchwork: The Voice of Moderation

by Chris Quilter   My mother's mother was a perfect lady. If she were starving, she would politely ask you if you were hungry. (No? Are...

Village Matters

Reclaiming Our Water Equilibrium So how’s your water conservation going?  Ours is going great.  We have a new gray water system.  This is how it...

Wisdom Workout

Ideas Rise From Multiple Perspectives   My consulting career brings me into the company of many individuals with strong values and points of view. During...

Patchwork: Moving Pictures

by Chris Quilter   We have the best average climate in the country and it's been cold comfort these past few weeks. Last Saturday—finally—it was warmer...