

Laguna Beach Independent Letters Section

Another Icon Bites the Dust

Editor, I am so very wistful. Our vintage movie theatre, which to me was one of Laguna's few iconic venues left in this resort town, is...

Far Worse Consequences of an Oil-Based Economy

Editor: Re: “Unintended Consequences.” Last week’s partially plagiarized “Letter to the Editor, Feb. 8,” linking reusable bags to higher foodborne illness can be found in...

Explaining a Phenomenon

Editor, I read with interest your Aug. 31 article “Ocean Critters in Hot Water.”  I applaud the hard work that Laguna Ocean Foundation has been...

San Clemente Tests Complete Streets

Editor,   Last Saturday City Council members from San Clemente took bicycles to Long Beach to "pedal, ponder, and probe the possibilities of a bicycle- and...


In the article, “Homeless Man Sues City for Discrimination,” March 30 edition, some facts about Leonard Porto were described imprecisely. He is a self-taught...

Why Not a Public Theater?

Editor, As I’ve been grieving over the loss of the historical Laguna Beach theater and reading all the well intentioned letters about how sad it...

Resident Unhappy With the Town’s Direction

Editor, As I read the latest Indy and walk through downtown, I have so much to say and little space to do it so here...

Praise for a Youngster’s Inquisitive Civic Interest

Editor, I attended the April 18 city council meeting and sitting behind me was a man with a young boy – perhaps 9 or 10...

Helicopters a Worse Offender

Editor, Thank you for bringing attention to the airplane noise over Laguna and Newport Coast.  It has reached epic proportions of getting out of control...

Questioning a Promotion

After enduring all the (Elizabeth) Pearson politics over the village entrance in 2013, why does our council reward her with political affirmation and a...

Column Captures Historic Moment

Editor, I have followed Michael Ray's musings forever and so glad he has landed at the LB Indy! This week’s piece (Musings on the Coast, “The...

Canyon Remains a Flood Risk

Editor, I was able to glean this priceless gem from the city's disaster preparedness website: "If there is a possibility of flooding move immediately to...

A Tribute to the “old Spirit” of Laguna

Editor, Just when you think the "old Spirit" of Laguna is gone... think again. I had the refreshing experience of the old Laguna coming together...

City Finances Should Shift Visitor Costs to Tourists

Editor, The city will be holding a long-term financial plan presentation March 6. That’s a good thing. Presumably a long tern financial plan includes a discussion of...

Incumbents Not Attuned to Residents Concerns

Editor, Do you want a City Council person who is more responsive to Laguna residents or to visitors? If you answer residents, your choice for...