

Laguna Beach Independent Limelight Section

Indy on Vacation

                          Locals Richard Hendlin and Dr. Jane Bening visited still-flowing Yosemite Falls in Yosemite National Park in June.                        Please share a postcard from your latest...

Expect Raunchy Fun at ‘Rocky Horror Show’

At more than six feet, he sashays onto the stage in a fishnet top, slightly slipping corset, platform heels and spiky pink hair. In the...

Revisiting El Morro History

 El Morro, from Joan Irvine Smith’s 2006 book "A California Woman's Story" 
"In 1927, Robert Windolph, who provided propane to the coastal farmers, secured a...

Banking on Laguna

Edited by Andy Hedden, with contributions from Patricia Truman. The next time you’re on the 200 block of Ocean Avenue, stand across the street from...

Biking at 10,000 Feet

Laguna local Hans Rey and Austrian champion trail biker Tom Oehler explored the rough and remote Guatemalan Highlands riding trails at an elevation of...

Artist Finds Her Calling Wrapped in Felt

Booties, bedroom slippers, hats, crafts and the smooth emerald green surface covering expensive pool tables: these are the typical consumer uses associated with felt,...

Airplane rides, movie extras and open hillsides

By Jennifer Erickson Born in 1901, Blanche Smith, nee Clapp, grew up in Fresno where her father bought and restored farmhouses. She first came to...

A Jury Of Your Piers

You stroll on them to gain an unhindered vista of the shore. You fish from them, but most times all you catch is a cold. Sometimes you even jump off of them. Hard to believe that over the years at least seven piers jutted from Laguna’s coastline, all gone and some forgotten but an integral part of our history and landscape.

Amid Laguna’s Open Space, a Fresh Water Oasis

Photos and story by Ron Chilcote Through the heart of the Laguna wilderness runs Laguna Canyon Road. Historically a major access to Laguna Beach, it...

Former Cigar Maker, Turns Captain of Commerce

A 1921 biographical sketch on the Jahraus family, now in its fifth-generation locally. Linda Jahruas described her family history at a Heritage Month event...

Winning Images Evoke Nature’s Best

Laguna Bluebelt Coalition announced winners in amateur and professional categories in its fifth annual photo contest this week. Local Rich German, known for capturing video...

A Swan Remembered

Lila Zali and the Laguna Beach Civic Ballet will reclaim the stage during the next Laguna Beach Historical Society program Tuesday, March 27, at...

Visiting the Wilderness in Laguna’s Backyard

By Ron Chilcote Perhaps the most pristine and precious of all the canyons in the Laguna Coast Wilderness Park, Laurel Canyon nestles in a hollow...

Vacation Tales

Take the Indy on the road and be sure to send us a photo from your favorite landmark along the way. Africa Sandra Gibson visits a...