Critic Questions Village Laguna



Mrs. Felder signed her name as president of Village Laguna.  Good journalism demands facts and specifics.  No offense meant personally to either Mr. or Mrs. Felder – just a coincidence that both are/were involved in organizations/causes that are/were very controversial.

Yes, Village Laguna has done some good things.  I have acknowledged that before.  However, when the health, safety, and personal property/wealth are affected by a group whose vision violates personal rights and freedoms, I am compelled to speak out.

Lack of transparency: Village Laguna’s mission statement has changed/repeatedly in the last few years and so has their IRS tax status from 501(c)e, to PAC and now mutual benefit corporation (non profit), which can hide a multitude of purposes. The group has never posted in their Charm House Tour materials/website that the proceeds support political candidates. In the past, some charities they claimed to support never heard of them.

Currently, Village Laguna is wasting taxpayer dollars in resolving our downtown/traffic issues.  A cornerstone of Laguna’s wealth/fame lies in its beaches, views, and local business that provide lodging, food, shopping, cultural venues and personal services. If visitors/residents cannot find convenient parking, then what will happen to our city and revenue sources?

Let’s be pragmatic. We already have a well-used parking structure near downtown.  If we build another parking structure near the festival grounds, we can have more walking space downtown, however, we cannot limit those disabilities from access. Functional parking structures can be made aesthetically pleasing.

More want to speak out, but are fearful of retaliation by neighbors, etc. which has happened via anonymous calls/notes. I am not.


Ganka Brown, Laguna Beach

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