Ex-Democratic Club Presidents Support Egly



Mahatma Gandhi once wrote, “Leadership means getting along with people.” If that is true, then Jane Egly was born to be a leader.

She has proven herself to be a leader during eight years on our City Council,
where she has successfully brought disparate sides of issues together to find consensus, sorely needed in today’s political climate. This, of course, means compromise, something that used to be seen as the essence of governing in a democratic country but has now come to be seen as something bad.

It’s ironic that our entire system of government was built on compromise, and yet today pressure from the extremes in both parties paints compromise as weakness or selling out. Unfortunately, this type of extremism, embodied by the Tea  Party and Grover Norquidst on the right, seems to have infiltrated our local Democratic Club, which has refused to endorse Jane Egly for re-election based on her willingness to compromise.

As former presidents of the club, we strongly object to this decision, taken not by the membership but by the few who now control the LBDC board.

Jane spent 26 years as a practicing attorney, and the last 12 years as a law professor at the University of La Verne until her retirement in June. She is a board member of Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino counties.

Jane is an environmentalist, former board member of Laguna Greenbelt, served on the city’s Parks and Recreation committee, worked on “Save the Canyon” and on the open space initiative, and was a facilitator on Vision Laguna 2030.

Jane is dedicated to improving Laguna’s city government. She has led the council during difficult economic times. While other cities struggle financially, we have a balanced budget that includes a 10% reserve and $4 million set aside for emergencies.

She is a strong advocate of environmental sustainability with particular focus on reduction of water use. In the last few years, the city has reduced its water use by nearly 35%. Over the eight years that she has served, the city has added three new parks to our open space.

She did not do these things alone, but in cooperative collaboration with her fellow council members.

Please join us in keeping this smart, strong, capable woman on our City Council. Vote for the qualities that allow our democracy, and our city, to get things done in a fair and responsible way, and move forward.

Jane Egly is a leader who deserves our support.


Anne Cox, Maziar Mafi, Dave Schaar, former presidents of the Laguna Beach Democratic Club

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